Being Intentional

I often say there are themes that present with my coaching clients from week to week. I know some of it comes from my clients, and I also know some of it comes from my awareness and subsequent intention to the topic. By being intentional I mean being in a place of conscious choice. Of being aware of what’s important and what’s needed, and choosing with intention based on those things. Being intentional means not reacting based on fear, doubt, insecurity, shame, anxiety, anger or any other trigger emotions. Being intentional means being aware to the emotional response you’re having, and connecting the response to a value of importance and moving from that place by choice.

Being intentional allows for positive shifts as Runner’s World contributing editor Kristin Armstrong points out,

“It's not only moving that creates new starting points. Sometimes all it takes is a subtle shift in perspective, an opening of the mind, an intentional pause and reset, or a new route to start to see new options and new possibilities.""

The next time you’re feeling an emotion, pause and connect to what’s important for you that you’re feeling the way you are. Either continue with intention or reset yourself with intention.

No matter what...



Mindful to Inspiration


Perspectives to Empathy and Compassion